Origins and Nature
Vatican City State was founded following the signing of the Lateran Pacts between the Holy See and Italy on February 11th 1929. These were ratified on June 7th 1929. Its nature as a sovereign State distinct from the Holy See is universally recognized under international law. The Catholic Church carries out its mission of announcing the truth of the Gospel for the salvation of all humanity and in the service of peace and justice in favour of all peoples, both through the various specific and local Churches spread throughout the world, as well as through its central government. This is made up of the Pope and the Departments that assist him in carrying out his responsibilities towards the universal Church (identified as the Apostolic See or Holy See). The Pope lives in Vatican City where several of the aforementioned Departments are to be found. Vatican City State has the singular characteristic of being an instrument of the independence of the Holy See, and of the Catholic Church, from any earthly power. In a way, it is a sign of the Church’s supernatural character insofar as the structures of Vatican City are reduced to the minimum necessary to guarantee its functions.

Vatican City lies just beyond the right bank of the Tiber River on a slight rise, part of the ancient Montes Vaticani (the Vatican Hill), on which several villas were built in pre-Christian times.
Vatican City Coordinates: 41°54′10″N, 12°27′9″E — formally State of the Vatican City, or Vatican City State (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano, Latin: Status Civitatis Vaticanae) — is a sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a landlocked, almost completely walled, enclave within the city of Rome, Italy. The entire state is about 44 hectares (108.7 acres) and thus is a European microstate. It is the smallest independent nation in the world, created in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, and a vestige of the much larger former Papal States (A.D. 756 to A.D. 1870). Since it is governed by the Bishop of Rome (the Pope), its government can be described as ecclesiastical and the highest state functionaries are in fact clergymen. It is the sovereign territory of the Holy See (Latin:Sancta Sedes) and the location of the Apostolic Palace — the Pope's official residence — and the Roman Curia. Thus, although the principal ecclesiastical seat of the Holy See (Basilica of St. John Lateran, which is the pope's cathedral) is located in Rome itself, the Vatican City can be said to be the governmental capital of the Catholic Church
The Roman Emperor Caligula (37-41AD) had a private circus built here. It appears that many Christians living in Rome during the reign of the Emperor Nero (54-68AD) were martyred in this circus and in the adjoining gardens.
St Peter was buried to the north of the circus, in a necropolis that lay beside a secondary road. Between 324 and 326 AD, the Emperor Constantine built a magnificent basilica over the burial site. It was replaced by the present Basilica between the 16th and 17th centuries.
Vatican City covers a territory of 0.44 square kilometres, that is 44 hectares (roughly 100 acres). It is partly surrounded by walls and stretches into St Peter’s Square as far as a strip of travertine stone that corresponds with the furthest end of the colonnade. This marks the boundary of the State and the edge of the Square which is normally open to everyone. Even though it is part of Vatican City, the Square is usually patrolled by members of the Italian Police Force.
There are five entrances to Vatican City, each of them guarded by the Pontifical Swiss Guards and by the Gendarmes Corps of Vatican City State. The entrance to the Vatican Museums is on Viale Vaticano, not far from Piazza del Risorgimento.
Because Vatican City is so small, several Departments and offices belonging to the Holy See are situated in buildings around Rome (in Piazza Pio XII, Via della Conciliazione, Piazza San Calisto, Piazza della Cancelleria and in Piazza di Spagna). According to the Lateran Treaty, these buildings enjoy the same status, recognized by international law, as embassies and foreign diplomatic missions abroad.
The areas occupied by these buildings are commonly known as “extraterritorial”.
International protection of the territory
The whole area of Vatican City is under the protection of the Hague Convention of May 14th 1954 regarding the safeguarding of cultural heritage sites in the case of armed conflicts.
In 1984, Vatican City was registered as a world cultural and natural heritage site in terms of the UNESCO Convention of November 16th 1972, which guarantees the protection of such sites.
Vatican City State is also internationally recognized as a moral, artistic and cultural heritage site that merits respect and protection as a treasure that belongs to the whole of humanity.
Maritime access
Even though Vatican City has no direct access to the sea, by virtue of the Barcelona Declaration of 1921, it is allowed to sail its own vessels flying the papal flag.
However, the Vatican does not avail itself of this right at this time.
Population: 800-813.
Ethnic groups: Italian, Swiss, other.
Religion: Catholic.Language: Latin.Literacy: 100%.
Work force: About 3,000 lay workers (mostly resident outside the Vatican).
The population of Vatican City is about 800 people, of whom over 450 have Vatican citizenship, while the rest have permission to reside there, either temporarily or permanently, without the benefit of citizenship.
About half of the Vatican’s citizens do not live inside Vatican City. Because of their occupations (mostly as diplomatic personnel), they live in different countries around the world. The conferral or loss of citizenship, authorization to live inside Vatican City and formalities for entering the territory, are governed by special regulations issued according to the Lateran Treaty.
Coins and Stamps

Vatican City mints its own coins and issues its own postage stamps.
By reason of a monetary Convention with Italy, which acted on behalf of the European Community on December 29th 2000, Vatican coins (with the exception of gold and silver coins) are legal tender throughout Italy and the rest of the European Union.
This Convention gave Vatican City State the right to use the Euro as its official currency, starting on January 1st 1999. Vatican City State enacted the appropriate legislation (n.CCCLVII) on July 26th 2001.
The Vatican has an agreement with the Italian State mint (the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato) to mint its coinage up to a maximum of one million Euro per year.
In 1996, looking ahead to the Jubilee Year 2000, the Vatican began minting gold coins again. They had been issued regularly each year from 1929 until 1959. Since the Jubilee Year new gold coins have been issued annually.
The issue of postage stamps is not subject to special limitations, except those established by postage service agreements with Italy and those contained in international conventions, to which Vatican City State adheres.
Travel to Vatican City is a 'why not'
> unfamiliar place + unfamiliar food + surrounds with Italians people + problem in communicate + lack of time + security + I'M LOST!!!
People are happy when they found a map ; "I have a map! yeay! I will not get lost" This perspective is wrong, with a weird lines and thousands of dots you will feel more depressing! =) Here are some of our helpful information that traveller needs to know :
1. Things you'll need when you go travel.
- Rental car + Hotel reservation + Plane tickets + Credit card + Laptop +
Luggage + Map
2. Travel to Vatican City?
- Take a flight to Rome from any major City.
-Take the train from another European location. Trains go to Termini Station in Rome , northeast of Palatine Hill.
-Take the bus. A major bus company connects Rome to other European destinations.
> There are no highways, railroads, or airports. The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. It only has streets within the city.
Go from place to place;
-Go by foot within Vatican City to visit out-of-the-way spots and museums.
-Travel from Rome by taxi.
-Take the subway to the museums
-Take the bus from your accommodations to Vatican City . The city's bus company is ATAC, and buses run from 6:00 a.m. to midnight.
3. The perfect time to go travel.
- Spring and fall are low seasons for tourism, they're also the nicest times to explore Rome . Flights are cheaper, hotels prices drop about 25 percent, and the attractions and restaurants don't draw huge crowds. Just pack a sweater and raincoat.
-The average low in January is 47 degrees F and the average high in July is 82 degrees F. From mid-May until October there's always a risk that the heat and humidity will combine to make it unpleasant.
-Be aware that summer is high tourist season, so the big attractions draw big crowds. Avoid a visit during the second half of August when many Romans vacation out of the city and Rome practically shuts down.
-Check out what festivals, expositions and live performances are happening.
-Contact the Rome Tourist Office, or Ente Provinciale per il Turismo, Via Parigi 11, Roma 00185, or call (06) 48899253.
-Check the weather forecast for Rome shortly before leaving, and pack accordingly.
4. How to use key phrase in Italian ?
- Use "ciao" (pronounced "CHOW") for both "hello" and "goodbye"
-Introduce yourself by saying "Mi chiamo" (mee key-AHM-oh) and then your name.
-Make copious use of "per favore" (pehr fa-VORE-ay) and "grazie" (GRATS-ee-ay) to say "please" and "thank you."
-Say "sì" (SEE) for "yes," and "no" (NOH) for "no
-Say "dove" (DOH-vay), which means "where," .
-Use "vorrei" (vohr-RAY), which means "I would like," Just point to whatever you want .
-If all of the above fails, ask "Parla inglese?" (PAHR-lay een-GLAY-say), or "Do you speak English?"
5. Food in Vatican City.
Vatican Restaurants :
-L’Arcangelo - Delicious cuisine, great atmosphere.
-Del Frate - Fresh modern Italian cuisine set within an historic bottle shop.
-Borgo Antico - Small wooden beamed eatery specializing in hearty local cuisine like porcini muchrooms and fried polenta.
-Zen - Closed Mon & Sat lunchZen is a modern Kaitan style Japanese restaurant situated close to the Tiber and Piazza del Popolo
Cafeteria.Bar.Pizzeria (The Vatican Museums )
*open during museum opening hours, and until about one hour after closing
-Siciliainbocca, Via E. Faa di Bruno 26 (Metro line A, Cipro.), nice Sicilian restaurant in the quiet (and somewhat boring) part of northern Prati. Try the swordfish and the lemon sorbet! reasonable. Fish plate around €15, but do order some antipasti and pasta.
-Insalata Ricca, Via Fulcieri Paulucci De' Calboli (Near piazza Manzoni). Part of a Rome-based chain, offers good salads and other food to both tourists and locals. Cheap.
6. Shops & Stores.
-The broad Via Della Conciliazione that leads into St. Peter's Square is surrounded on both sides by religious goods and book shops.
-For more shops walk along the street near the Post Office, Via di Porta Angelica. The side streets all have numerous gift shops and small restaurants and ice cream shops.
-The area around Saint Peters Basilica is called the Borgo, it's the oldest part of the Vatican and has many characteristic trattorie and outdoor cafes.
-The main shopping street of Cola di Rienza stretches from Piazza Risorgimento all the way to the Tiber River near Piazza del Popolo, via Cola di Rienzo is a broad boulevard with all of Italy's fashion stores represented and has its own daily fresh food market.
7. Facility & Security
-Electricity, telephones, and other utilities are provided by Italy.
-The Vatican Post Office is on the right of the square if you are facing St. Peter's.
-Vatican radio station broadcasts all over the world in 29 languages, it has it's television station, the dialy newspaper.
-The internal police power of the Vatican City is the Swiss Guards Corps (Corpo della Guardia Svizzera). External defense of the Vatican City against foreign enemies is the responsibility of Italy.
-Transport in and out of Vatican City, apartments and hotels.
8. DO'S & DON'TS
-There are no lodging opportunities in the Vatican City itself.
-Sleeveless shirts and short pants or skirts are not permitted within the border of the Vatican.
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